tisdag 17 november 2009

Aj faan, jävla skit också

Jag stack mig just på en nål till en spruta som nån jävla idiot hade tappat i vasken i köket. Inte så att sticket är jobbigt men att det just var en del till en spruta känns inte så kul. Turligt nog fick jag tag på idioten kunde skälla ut honom och sen försäkra mig om att jag inte kommer dö av det. Tvättade med extra mycket sårsprit, då killen såg sisådär pålitlig ut där han stod med kaksmulor i hela fjunmustachen och sa att det bara var från hans insulinspruta så det var ingen fara.

Faan alltså, hur klantig kan man vara?! Nåja, tur att läkarvården i svergie inte är helt inkompetent.

tisdag 3 november 2009

more thorough update

Things have calmed down after the premier and I finally have time to make a more thorough update. During the last six weeks or me and 6 of my companions have built all the props and stuff for the stage of the show we are putting on. We (or at least I) have worked from 5 in the afternoon until at least 9 or 10 in the evening. One result of this is that I have started eating dinner very late and, it turns out, it is the normal time for Spanish people to eat dinner. One other thing is that it is nice to do something with your hands when you go to such a theoretical school. One negative side of this is that I got so carried away with the work that i missed an exam, oh well, I can always retake it.

Anyway, the theme for the show we put on is the building of Taj mahal, which has been very interesting. Luckily we didn’t have to actually build a copy of Taj mahal (its super big). Some of the things we did build were fake stones, a wooden frame covered with Styrofoam, a table and a fake pineapple also from Styrofoam with dishwashing rags used as leaves. Of course one big project was to create two backgrounds, these are 9*6 m each (the size of a 2 people apartment) ant it is a lot of work to paint them. Luckily we had a hoist so we could lifta person up and so he or she could get a look from above to better see the whole picture.

Speaking of pictures, here are a few things i took when we were working:  


Glen sewing the backdrop, it will cover all the empty floorP1040533

Anton and some of the fake stones in progress


Me pretending to be a statue and load testing a fake stone


Pjäsen sketching up the backdrop


Anton and Preisz playing with the hoist


Clara is showing off her fake beard


The reference pineapple and pineapple making stuff.


Painting the backdrop


The fake pineapple


View from the hoist

As you can see from the pictures it is not all work. We have  a lot of fun too sometimes just chatting while working on something and sometimes pure goofing off. Well it was fun to build but now I’m glad its over so i can get back to normal dinner times and such.

In other news, I have bought a ticket to Taiwan so I can go see my girlfriend in January. That is going to be very nice after being apart for so long.