måndag 29 mars 2010

Sun moon flower

När jag var i Taiwan sist så besökte jag bland annat Sun moon lake. Som en rolig grej köpte jag ett slags frö där, sotppade  det i min väska och glömde omedelbart bort det. Det följde således med hem till Sverige och när jag renasade ur litte grejer ur min väska några veckor sedan hittade jag bland annat detta frö. det tog mig ytterligare en vecka eller så innan jag tog mig tid att köpa jord och en kruka och plantera det. Nu har plantan hunnit växa sig så stor att jag känner att det kan vara dags att visa den för omvärlden. P1050093

Sun Moon flower

Med tanke på att jag inte är så värst bra på att odla saker så är jag riktigt stolt över denna. Den lilla knölen på stammen är faktiskt resterna av det som en gång var fröet och tittar man noga på den kan man se litet små krumelurer. Det är kinesiska tecken som var inristade på utsidan av fröet som nu har vuxit med plantan upp.

Det står 快樂男孩 eller om man vill uttala det, Kuaile nanhai. Det bettyder glad pojke. Jag valde just denna ur en stor skål med massa olika fraser på fröer därför att jag är en tämligen glad pojke. De flesta andra handlade dessutom om pengar så de var inte alls passande.

Det var det om min husplanta, nu ska jag hem till föräldrarna för lite påsklov.

måndag 15 mars 2010

Weekend skiing

I just got back from a wonderful weekend skiing, here is the story. My mom called me up about a week ago to discus if and when I would have time to go skiing with the family. Since I didnt have any exams or such this week we decided to go up to Åre for a few days and, she managed to get my ticket using bonus points so didnt have to pay anything.

So, wednesday evening i hopped on the night train to Åre – Swedens arguably best ski resort and a few hours later, when the train stopped in Örebro, my parents got on. It was a sleeper train so when we woke up the next morning we got off the train, found a place to change into ski gear, stored our baggage and went for the slopes.

It was rather windy and parts of the system were cloesd so we stayed low among the trees where the wind couldnt reach. It was a warm day so the snow had a sorbé kind of  quality but the going was good and we had a great day.

It froze again during the night so all the soft, slushy snow from yesterday had turned into a hard crust down in the warmer areas. Instead we ventured up on the mountain out in the cold wind and falling snow. It was a bit chilly especially since every snowflake turned into a needle agasinst the unprotected skin of my face but the skiing was great. It was even possible to find some loose, fluffy snow if you ventured into the woods.

The third day it was windy as before but slightly better so we went further up on the backside of the mountain. This slope was nearly perfect, there was some soft snow on the ground and the angle of the slope itself was steep without being too much. This made for some fantastic skiing especially when the sun showed through the clouds. Even though it was cold and kind of coudy we even managed to shoot a few good photos.



Mom stepping out from the nice warm tent and a happy Anders with his board.

On the outisde edge of the slope was a pretty nice powder snow field and i forced my poor parents to shoot this series of me going down it (actually it is longer but i cut out the ones where im just a small speck):

Click the album and go to slideshow for best view.

The last day we packed up our stuff in the morning since we had to be ready to leave the apartment quickly. We headed over to the same place as the day before and got some good runs but it was too cloudy to see clearly and too cold. So in the end we went down lower in the area and got some good skiing there too. At the end of the day we went back to the aprtment, packed the last stuff and went to the train. Today I woke up at Gothemburg train station ready for school again.

In the end we never got to go up to the top because of the wind but all in all it was great weekend. It was nice to see my parents and we had a great time skiing.