torsdag 4 november 2010

The project

Some of you might have thought i gave up on my running project but no, I am still going at it. It is going well, at the start I thought I would run some 2400 meters the first time (6 laps on the Jiao da running track seemed like a good goal). The first time I only managed to do  1200 meters and I set the goal for myself to reach 2000 by the en of the mount. By moving the weights around so I take the big ones on my hands, I quickly managed to do more than 1200 and today I passed more than doubled that amount at 2600 m. Of course running longer means more breaks for other exercise such as situps. My new goal for the project is to be able to do 3 km.

On a different note, I am starting another “project”. Starting tomorrow I will contact companies in here in Taiwan to try to get an opportunity to do my master thesis project here. I have found some twenty companies that are interesting for me so I will contact at least 2 per day for the next two weeks. Hopefully I can set up a meeting.

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