onsdag 26 augusti 2009

More Stockholm and onwards

Day two in stockholm was mainly a museum tour. We started with the national museum full of old paintings and then the modern musem full of rahter new ones. Yini the artist of course enjoyed herself, I thought it all rather boring but hey, what dont you do for love, eh? we endedd the day with the museum town Skansen and a nice dinner at a vegetarian restuarant. That very evening we when back to my parrents and spent another night night there. The next day we wandered around in Wadköping some more until it was time for the main reason that we did not go directly back to Göteborg.

One of few interesting museum exibits

I got so bored  I went into this closet for a while

View of Stockholm

Yini sometimes calles me Viking and here I am next to a Viking stone

Back with my parrents again

We went to see my good friend Nils (or Nisse as he is often called). Me and Nisse have allways been the kind of friends who have endless discussions about the whole world and just about everything elese as well. So after a nice dinner that Nils cooked, with quite a bit of help from me, we ended up tralking for hours. Yini and Nisses girlfriend Miao Miao Chatting away in Chinese and me and Nils in Swedish. It was a very nice evening and felt like the old days standing on the streetcorner with Nils in the middle of the night. 

Dinner with Nils

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