Nu är jag inflyttad i min nya lägenhet på riktigt. När jag vaknade i morse var det min första morgon som jag inte hade tillgång till min gamla lya. Visst, jag har egentligen inte bott i den på länge men igår städade jag ut det sista och lämnade in nycklarna så nu är jag verkligen utflyttad.
torsdag 25 februari 2010
torsdag 18 februari 2010
Introducing new project
I sometimes write things in english on this page and from time to time my writing is pretty good, however i have noticed that the transitions from one part to the next tend to be rather unsmooth. Therefor i have decided to concentrate on what i do best, descriptive writing. I have started a new blog with little snapshots of life that i call Frozen moments or to describe it better, it is photography without a camera. If you are interested you can check it out here:
Oh and dont worry, i will still continue to write here for all my fans out there (that is my mom and my grilfriend).
Att flytta
Det är en mycket märklig upplevelse att flytta så kort som jag gör. Jag har liksom inget behov av att packa ned allt i lådor och ta allt i ett lass då det är så nära så jag har hamnat i nått konstigt mellanläge. T.ex. vaknade jag i morse i min gamla lägenhet (jag har en bäddad säng och gardiner där), gick upp till min nya lya för att duscha och byta kläder och sedan tillbaks till den gamla för att raka mig. Sista steget i morgonrutinen blev att gå upp till den nya och fixa frisyren. Jag flyttar sakta och funderar på hur jag vill ha det, tar ett par saker åt gången väljer om jag ska ha kvar dem, eller slänga dem, köpa nytt eller inte och till slut var i lägenheten de ska vara. Det är precis den typen av förnyelseprocess jag ville åt när jag bestämde mig för att flytta. Dags att fortsätta bära.
söndag 14 februari 2010
Flyttdags och back to business
Jag är tillbaks i sverige igen och nu är det back to business igen med skola och spex och allt vad det innebär. Dessutom har jag numer två lägenheter, jag är nämligen påväg att flytta. Tyvärr har jag fallit lite mellan stolarna och är inte med i datasystemet på skolan. Därmed har jag inget bevis för att jag studerar och får egentligen inte plocka ut nycklarna till lägenheten. Nu var tjejen i receptionen snäll nog att ge mig en nyckel så jag kommer in i rummet men eftersom jag inte fått ut papper så jag kan besiktiga stället vill jag inte börja flytta in och stöka till. Jag borde kunna lösa detta snart så att jag kan sova växelvis i en, växelvis i andra lägenheten, bara för skojs skull.
Over and out.
fredag 12 februari 2010
The gigiantomongous Taiwan picture post
I havent posted any pictures during my stay in Taiwan, instead they all come in this one post.
Classic view of Hong Kong with girlfriend
My friend the stone lion and the city, old vs new
Now thats a cool tree
You know what’s really hard? Taking a picture of your girlfriend in front o a magnificent night view without a tripod. This is the best i could do
My face is always wierd on photos
Tourist guide girlfriend
Its a buddist verse written on the sticks in beautiful surroundings, nice. Too bad these chinese guys are in the shot, oh well.
All the houses are silvery gray….
…except this guys, he decided to paint it
This is the smallest shrine i’ve ever seen, and the god is a… rock. The water village is full of them.
So far everything has been in hong kong, now I am actually in Taiwan
As if I never left, me and Kai are making funny faces at each other as usual
Playing with Yinis nephews
When Yini got of from work we would go to different places such as this beach
Sabreing champagen with Kai
Scooter adventure in the mountains
Found this huge indian guy during our scooter tour, He is absolutely awsome!
Driving around in the city gets us to these two places
Art exhibition in Taipei, wish i could have taken pictures of other works but this one will have to represent the greatness of the artist.
The next bunch is from our minivacation in malaysia
Seaside promenad, the first afternoon
For the boats here you need a life jacket
Yini did her best to get a shot of the reflection in my glasses
No this is not a brochure, it is just a shot of Yini but it looks like it could be doesnt it?
It really was amazing how many fish were swining around
Me and mount Kinabalu
The worlds smallest orchid, the pinhead orchid
Yes you needed to pay to take photos at one place
And this was realy worth the fee, that bridge in hte treatops is so cool and so scary.
This Malaysian water village is nicer than the Hong Kong one
Yes we went under that bridge!!!
I love the boat parking and the drying fish
Our friendly guide Sam
Those are some seriously small boats, and some seriously cute kids
I wish we found this brilliant market earlier….
…So we could have help more vendors in their work
Teaching Kai to ride a scooter
Try out Yinis new Hooka
That my friends is a pile of salt
See, its salt
Even tasts like it.
I really wish this had worked but alas, the sled was too heavy
Out in the mud…
…catching crabs
Kaohsiung baby, or at leat the subway station
Our train of bikes
The old fort on the island
The gate of the fort
I love taking photos through holes
See, how i take photos in a hole
Though grainy this pic will have to represent all of love river since this bridge is the most beautiful and Kai was the only one fast enough to catch it.
Some cool uuh, things in the street, have to jump
Playing around in the subway station
Kaohsiung has a nice arena too bad we couldnt go inside
Some fountains outside the arena
The pillars and benches are made from paper, the guy on the left is Yinis dad.
Night view of sun moon lake
Some bin lang flower for dinner, mmm
Day view of sun moon lake and sun moon Kai
The mountaintop pagoda, too bad it was closed off
Burried in the gravel
(i brought so much of that stuff home in my shoes)
Im a pirate, yaargh
(with tattoos and everything)
The lazy way of fishing
A different type of flower garden, I like it
And that is the end of the small trip, now we are back in Hsinchu
Into the forrest
Ice skating in Taipei. There are no more good photos of this im sorry to say, but it was fun
By a waterfall in Hsinchu mountains
Kai balancing on a log close to the waterfall
The last mountain view this time around, quite beautiful. A good way to finish this post