torsdag 25 december 2008

Liten resa, start Hong Kong

Jag har lyakts lämna skolan och ge mig iväg på en resa. Det som följer är en serie kortare inlägg som beskriver min första dag.

During my time here in Taiwan I have picked people up from the airport and said good bye to others there, but I have never flown myself, until now. It feels weird to pack up my things and leave my appartment and it feels weird not spending the last few days before the trip with Anna. I get pang of sadness as I suddenlymiss my friends back home, while thinking about the fact that the last time I went to an airport to go somewhere, I was moving away. All bad feelings are immediately blown away when it turns out that the gate I'm leaving from is the “Hello Kitty” play gate. In about three steps my whole world turns pink – literally. 

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